
Monday, April 3, 2023

March review and April goals

Woohoo! Back in business, baby!

Warhammer is back, with the clown-show feeling of the updates before the new edition. I got some games in, and I have something bigger planned for May. RPG sessions carry on usual, with MAGUS taking some hits. Nevertheless, I found the number of gaming sessions this month more than satisfactory. I have no loftier goals for April, than to carry on.

Hobbying is back as well. 

You'll notice that after several weeks of just stories, which exhausted all of my backlog, we are back to our regularly scheduled one story, one hobby post per week. Our MAGUS adventures are all published, and we are at parity with the actual game progression, for probably the first time since they began. In fact I was almost out of stuff to publish, but luckily I managed to finish the paint jobs I began last year. The dark trio is already out, and more will follow these weeks. 

I finished the painting competition entry, and I snagged first place! Super happy with that, the blog post is just out.

As for April's goals: first and foremost, I want to paint and convert my current Word Bearers army list into fully WYSIWYG. This means a couple of tanks and a squad of Accursed Cultists. Then, as a soft goal, I will carry on with a larger project I started in March. I may have bit more than I can chew, but I'll chip away at it continuously until the grand reveal.

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