
Monday, April 3, 2023

Word Bearers vs Imperial Fists, 28.03.2023

Arks of Omen, Tear down their icons! The Imperial Fists are back as Imperial Fists, and the Word Bearers are back to bear the good word. Here's top of turn 1, with the Chaos marines once again seezing the initiative and taking board control.

The Fists presented few targets for the Land Raider to shoot.

On their turn, they marched forwards, charging my bikes with their bikes and taking the middle.

Battle round 2

The Rubrics exited their Rhino and flamed down an ATV. The Prince jumped into combat to help out my bikes, but only managed to kill one Outrider. He's very good on paper, but somehow messes up the wound rolls.

I went full force into taking back the middle, with the Accursed Cultists tying down the Bladeguard, and the Apostle almost clearing the Infiltrators. At least he killed the Librarian, thus disabling the Warp Ritual secondary.

The Fists moved in  their second wave.

Including some deep striking Terminators and more Infiltrators!

A couple of Rubrics died, but thing mostly held together, including the Land Raider. T9 protects.

Fortunately for me, the Terminators failed their 9" charge. The fresh group of Infiltrators went into the Dark Apostle, but died to a man.

Battle round 3

I again went full force into taking back the middle.

I took my turn and cleared out the flanks as well as the space in the middle. Then we ran out of time and had to math it out. I presented a pretty convincing case for a victory, but it would have been hard fought and probably close in points. The combination of infiltrator troops and reserves, heavy back-line firepower and staying in Devastator doctrine meant that the middle was almost always contested, with slim pickings for our secondaries.

Victory for the Word Bearers?!

I still like this list, and now with all the free upgrades, even the Rhino is useful in shooting. I learned to keep my things in reserve and behind cover as much as possible, although I think this game I kept too much back. The Posessed could have been up front and messing up marines by turn 2. The Dark Apostle is still a beast and destroys anything it touches. The Land Raider took a lot of shooting. T9 protects against meltas.

I try to get better with secondaries. Although I still think that Chaos marines lack a good selection in their book. Ah well, destroy everything in the middle, then do actions when you can is a good enough strategy for now.

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