
Thursday, March 30, 2023

Painting the ring-bearer Daemon Prince

Time to paint up the ring bearer, in Word Bearers colors.

Prime and basecoat

Prime Chaos Black, but with all the nooks and crannies, there were many gaps. I brushed on Black just in case. 


Apply a variety of painting tips for speed.

Word Bearers armour. At the metal stage the skin has already been splodged over that I am thankfully I left that for last.

Paint the base as for the Terminators, starting with the big dry brush.

Then I undercoated all the lighter details using Heavy Grey. This is much better for the lighter paints to stick on compared to black.

Wings and horns.

Follow up with some smaller details:

Then clean up the black skin, and do highlights with a mix of Black/Cold Grey. then pure Cold Grey. Finally, bathe the skin in gloss varnish. This results in black oily-looking shiny skin. Or at least I think so!

Then, on the day before the submission deadline, inspiration struck. I wasn't quite happy with the ring, so I repainted it. First, two layers of heavily watered down Glorious Gold. I had never glazed metallics previously, but it came out well, letting some of the NMM highlights below to shine through. Then use Black Templar to paint the writing on the ring. I looked up the actual writing and tried to follow it to the best of my abilities.


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