
Thursday, April 13, 2023

Word Bearers vs Astra Militarum, 05.04.2023

1000 points demo game, spreading the good Word! Notice my two nun-Russes on loan, rounding out the Cadian starter set. We did a simple scenario with 3 objectives giving 1 VP each in the command phase.

Battle round 1

I won first turn so I ran everything forwards and prepared to show how the shooting works. The Guard had a mediocre shooting phase, killing some Possessed and  taking wounds off the Rhino and Venomcrawler. Next lesson: how to concentrate your fire.

Battle round 2

I got stuck in with everything possible, to show the meaning of a good fight phase. 

Legionaries and Rubrics disembarked from the transport on the left; the Rubrics flamed some Kriegers, then charged heavy weapons, and engaged the Russ. 

On the right, the Possessed annihilated a squad of guardsmen, while the Venomcrawler destroyed the Sentinel. Then everybody engaged the Russ.

The Guard had another mediocre shooting phase, with the player sweating buckets at the closeness of my army. Note that while talking through all the rules, I forgot about my reserves.

Battle round 3

At this point I was stuck in close combat everywhere and did not make much headway. 

The Astra Militarum were ready to call it, but I insisted on doing at least their final shooting phase (the store was closing). It was spectacular; all my front-line infantry died, along with the Venomcrawler.


With the store closing, it was any man's game, so we called it a draw and hurriedly packed up.

I like the new guard codex and its orders system. However, it is hard to keep track of every infantry squad having unique rules. I'm sure with practice it will go smoother; in fact, I'm itching to bring out the nuns for a spin. The Russes were great, shooting the turrets out of combat really empowers them.

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