
Monday, April 10, 2023

M.A.G.U.S. - Meow!

The adventurers delved ever deeper into the tunnels, always following the largest opening, always going downwards. Their paltry torches seemed to be overwhelmed by the encroaching darkness, causing Cahir to nervously look back at every step. Ylimor enhanced his senses, noticing a pair of yellow eyes watching from a side tunnel. The adventurers gathered ranks and proceeded downwards, with only Cahir milling around, looking for dead spirits.

All was well, right up until the pair of yellow eyes appeared right in front. Ylimor illuminated a humanoid cat in full plate. Dalibor shot at it with his crossbow. Roll for initiative!

Catfolk burst out of the darkness, one backstabbing Shamil, another shooting at Dalibor, and still another closing ranks with the armored cat up front.

Mayhem followed, as Shamil cut down his ambusher, only for two other lightly armored cats to jump on him, hissing and stabbing. Dalibor ate a couple of arrows and went down, Ylimor quickly jumping in to heal him up. Cahir failer another will save and turned to run, but his elemental companion intervened and steeled his resolve (and drained his XP). The knight turned to hold up his attackers instead. Biznard and Shamil summoned their elemental slaves to join the fray.

Biznard crushed the barbarian cat, then turned to help the embattled Shamil. He crushed another attacker, but succumbed to poison. Ylimor got more to do.

Cahir telekinesis'd the archer cat's bow, forcing it into melee. It jumped unto Shamil, who gritted his teeth through the pain and stabbed it in the gut. All the while, the armored cat laid into Cahir, who valiantly stood his ground.

The elementals repelled the final attacker, who jumped out of combat, eating several arrows from the now-revived Dalibor.

As the cats were ground down, the adventurers converged on the armored cat, and pummeled it into oblivion.

Oh, and every round, the maniac axe-man hit somebody in the face with a phantom axe. 

Thoroughly drained, the adventurers decided to rest and heal up on the spot. Dalibor looted the cats, taking several gold coins and some jewels. Cahir inspected their spirits, but found them understandbly angry, except one easygoing rogue visiting a cat tavern. Everybody else licked their wounds, and prepared to continue the road.

Carrying on, the adventurers continued in an ever-growing main tunnel, soon encountering a sign of sorts: 3 stakes with skulls on them. Ylimor quickly destroyed this unholy heresy.

The tunnels then started to lighten, with glowing lichen here and there on the walls. The adventurers reached a rock-waterfall-like structure, opening into a huge cavern, with a dimly lit village of sorts in the middle.

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