
Thursday, April 6, 2023

Re-painting pre-painted D&D miniatures

I had these since forever. I also used them a couple of times. Unfortunately, my original plan of just washing and highlighting them (a la Moria goblins) failed, as the surface behaves as if hydrophobic and no wash/Contrast stays put. Of course I could have tried regular paints... but that's too much effort, considering the quality of these miniatures. So... re-prime and re-paint! I started them last year November, took a 3 months pause... so my memory is kind of hazy on the exact paints used. Wherever not specified, refer to the Highlighting on a Contrast basecoat.

Batch 1: Prime Grey Seer 

Two zombies and a 'Foulspawn Berserker', already in cold color schemes.

For the zombies, I tried Plaguebearer Flesh and (I think) Athonian camoshade for the flesh. Basilicanum Grey cloth (then Agrax Earthshade) and Volupus Pink tongues. Highlight flesh and cloth Stonewall Grey. Not great, but good enough.

For the orc, I painted fur, black armor, silver sword then a glaze of Bloodletter. 

Batch 2: Wraithbone

Lots of human skin, more appropriate for a warm primer.

The dominant feature of these minis is the exposed skin. I decided on giving human flesh to the water cultists as well. Then dress the prisoner in filthy clothSilver manacles, armor, shields.

Do simple blond hair using Aggaros Dunes, Wraithbone highlight, Seraphim Sepia.

Bone swords.

Finally, go over the shields and the scaly skin with diluted Aethermatic Blue.

Batch 3: Slapchop

Vampire Spawn and a stylish corpse.

The corpse came out well enough with Ork Flesh on the cape, Militarum Green on the other clothing, Snakebite Leather well, leathers, Aggaros Dunes hair and Guilliman Flesh skin.

The vampire spawn got some cool leathers in Basilicanum Grey and Snakebite Leather, and some Flesh Tearers Red cloth to break it up. However, it needs some additional work.

Basecoat the skin in Grey Seer, layered Ghost Grey, then highlighted Dead White. This is my standard vampire skin and should become a painting tip now. I put a bit of Blood Angels Red in the mouth, Aethermatic Blue around the eyes (then highlight Dead White), and highlight the loincloth.


Woodland base.


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