
Tuesday, May 2, 2023

April review and May goals

April is over, and after the early successes in the field of hobby, things took a slow turn as real life hits again. This should all blow over in a month or two... anyway.

D&D took a hit, as we went to see the Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves movie instead of playing once, then had to postpone a couple of sessions. At least the movie was great, solid 5 out of 7. Some new developments there coming soon, stay frosty. 

MAGUS also went slower, with barely one session during the month. Perhaps we'll pick up in May, but I don't expect much.

At least I got some 40k games in, practicing for the grand Warhammer weekend coming up in just a couple of days. Woohoo! I might retire the Word Bearers after that, as I'm getting bored with the same army composition.

On the hobby side, I did manage to WYSIWYG and fully paint my Word Bearers army list, which was my primary goal. I almost finished the portion of the new-ish Sigmar army I began in February, again a big win. With all the slow periods, I'm very behind schedule on the 1 miniature/day goal, so I took on some Contrast-level commissions for MAGUS. Expect to see a bunch of goblins and kobolds soon.

In May, I want to finish all my currently started projects, including some commissions, random miniatures and Sigmar-y stuff. If I manage to chew through all this (questionable, given how the month is looking out), I'll either start on more Sigmar, or maybe some Imperial Guard, or maybe go back to daemons. We'll see.

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