
Monday, May 1, 2023

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Magic Academy of nobody wants to live

After last session's debacle (which was quite some time ago IRL - we went to watch the D&D movie instead of playing last time), we started by making our way back to Waterdeep. We bought some diamonds to feed the bard's resurrection spell[1], and brought the sorceresses back to life. After a good night's sleep at the Zhentarim HQ, we crawled back into the dungeon, only to find the academy denizens out in full force. So they found some bodies and decided we were too much trouble. And decided to fight us. Us. Zyn and the Legends. Sigh. Literally nobody wants to live down here.

So started combat. On each of my turns, I took out a voodoo doll and destroyed it, first stunning the female student, then killing the dark elf. Szivem and Tari went down almost instantly to a mass of fireballs and lightning bolts. A shield guardian and the half-orc bodyguard engaged Solid in close combat. Everybody else traded blows and chained Counterspells like there was no tomorrow.

Both parties were about equally shaken, when unexpected help came in the form of the tiefling sisters.[2] They came in like a fireball, knocking out the rest of the students.

I then bandaged Szivem up, who instantly magic missile'd Halaster, killing him. However, when the fake Halaster died (I knew it!), his corpse turned into a mind flayer, Zyn was mind controlled, turned into a fake Halaster, then disappeared. Bummer. Only Selene realized that the mind flayer must have transported his own consciousness into my body. Get out, damn it!

With their job done, the tiefling sisters fled. Solid followed them. Antrius tried to locate Zyn, but to no avail.

With the party now split into 3, what ever shall we do next?

[1] Zyn: Only the best for my dearests. Jeweler: Nice.
[2] Being attentive as ever, both, and I mean literally BOTH, of our sorcesses wanted to fireball them.

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