
Thursday, May 11, 2023

Painting a Lord of Pain

I was about halfway done with two squads of Blissbarb Archers when I started on this guy. As the painting process and color scheme standardized, I distilled it into painting tips - and that's why the Archers are still described step-by-step. But here's what you can expect from all that.


Prime Wraithbone. Then apply:

Finally, paint the tassels Grey Seer, paint them in different vibrant Contrast colors, then do minimal highlights.

Finish off with the Woodland base. I initially based all my slaaneshi daemons like this, reasoning that Slaanesh would enchant any wasteland or ruinscape into something more pleasing to the eye. Adding broken statuary is a considerable upgrade, making the host a destroyer of civilization as well as a nature-bound frolicking horde.


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