
Monday, May 15, 2023

Warhammer Weekend 05-07.05.2023

I received the invitation for this event some time in autumn, so I had ample time to negotiate the weekend. Once that was done, I started training - most of my games lately were training with the chosen list. And oh boy, it was difficult. The restrictions were: Arks of Omen, true highlander (even troops and transports), no named characters. The list I came up with was pretty bad, generally speaking, given the number of losses I suffered. However, it did well at the event. Read on.

Next topic, administrative. This picture sums it all up, I think.

Finally, the games. Here's a cheeky picture of a Primaris Psyker surrounded by the Deathshroud. Reminds me of a certain young lady.

And here's my batreps:

As you can see, the lists were towards the fun side, as expected at such a chill event.

The cherry on the cake was that people largely preferred to hang out and drink, and in the end, I was the only one to play all four of my 'required' (notice the quotes) games. So I technically won? Who cares. We had fun. Can't wait for the next one.

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