
Monday, May 15, 2023

Word Bearers vs Astra Militarum tank company, 06.05.2023

My second game was a lot more relaxed. I faced a tank company made up of a Baneblade, a Shadowsword, a Leman Russ Tank Commander and 3 regular Russes, accompanied by a command squad and a psyker. The list was absolutely ill prepared for this dense table we got to play on. All the Russes went into reserves.

Battle round 1

I spread out on the board, taking care to avoid line of sight where possible, take objectives, do actions, and score points.

Nothing for the tanks to do, other than occupy possible lanes of fire.

Battle round 2

Same deal for me.

But then the Russes arrived.

Bikers took some casualties, but held the objective.

Battle round 3

By this point, I've pretty much assured my victory on points by holding objectives and doing my actions. Time for some fun! Unfortunately, the Baneblade activated its -1 damage stratagem, rendering the Possessed much less useful.

The Russes took the left flank, annihilating the Rhino and taking the objective.

Battle round 4

I did 0 Bring it Down so far, so I tried to kill at least a couple of Russes. Psychic and flamers brought down the Tank Commander - armored tracks is brutal against my puny flamers, even with Veterans of the Long War. Soulshatter lascannons did some damage, but nothing to brag about. 

On the return fire, a plasma Russ annihilated the Rubrics.

The Baneblade retreated, shooting up the Possessed.

The Land Raider survived the Shadowsword shooting thanks to Hexagrammatic Ward.

The Possessed got heavily depleted.

Charging Russes with Crush them! are surprisingly effective. Especially when counting as multiple models on objectives.

Battle round 5

My last big play was going for the tanks in the middle. I tried to shoot one down but it lived with 1 wound, so the Chosen could only charge it and not the next.

The superheavies cleaned up their half of the battlefield.


I won this one on points, and probably could have scored a lot more by staying hidden even more (but what's the fun in that?) combined with choosing better secondaries. Alas, I'm happy with the result.

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