
Monday, May 15, 2023

Word Bearers vs Word Bearers, 06.05.2023

Third game: mirror match against more sons of Lorgar. Time to show who's the real Apostle of the Dark Council! And it turned out to be the most back-and-forth, close game, with measurements down to the millimeter.

 I hid due to the Defiler across the field, ready to pounce. Good thing too, as the opponent went first.

Battle round 1

We pinged some shots off each other, to no great effect. Both close combat forces took ground cautiously, wary of getting charged.

Battle round 2

The Rhino died on the flank due to the combined power of the Defiler and Lord Discordant. I responded by landing the Terminators and flaming the Legionaries.

The middle ground was more action packed, though. I went forwards with my buffed Possessed and charged the opposing group of buffed Possessed. The furries proved to be superior, thanks to fighting first.

Battle round 3

Everything moved in on the furries, annihilating them.

The Lord Discordant shot and charged the Rubrics, killing them all. As expected, the trading continues.

With the furries dead to the countercharge, I counter-countercharged with the Chosen and the Dark Apostle. This went a lot worse than the previous turn.

Surprisingly, it was the Lord Discordant interrupting, and taking out the Daemon Prince. Then it died to chainfists. At least that flank was mine.

I killed a good chunk of Terminators, but not enough. Obliterators died as well.

And I made a move by charging the opposing Chosen with the Terminator, blocking them and keeping the objective.

Battle round 4

The grind in the middle went on, with the remaining Obliterator and Dark Apostle dying, leaving the Chosen and the Terminators to duke it out.

The opposing Chosen retreated towards my objective, but the Land Raider shot and charged again, body blocking them.

Backfield characters went back and forth, trying to maximize scoring.

My Master of Possessions got charged by the opposing Master of Possessions, interrupted but failed to kill. The Terminators then shot him down, and charged a surviving Possessed going for my backfield Cultists.

Battle round 5

The final rounds were pretty dicey. Score was very tight. However, I managed to delay and block the Chosen with the Land Raider slowly shooting them down, thus keeping the top objective. I also retreated with the Chosen in the last round to take the middle objective. This scored me the final couple of points to take the win.

This game, the Chosen and Apostle underperformed against Terminators rocking T5 and 5+ FnP. Terminators pulled their weight by taking out the Lord Disco, which was surprising but pleasing. Daemon Prince once again couldn't roll to save his life - literally. Land Raider did barely some chip damage, but that was enough to score me a lot of points, so VIP I guess?

On the opposing side, the large blobs of Terminators and Possessed presented the biggest threats. Just a bit better dice, maneuvering, perhaps better secondaries, and it could have been a different game.

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