
Monday, May 15, 2023

Word Bearers vs Iron Hands, 07.05.2023

By the final game of the weekend, everybody was pretty tired. My opponent forgot his army at home (though I hear it would have been beautiful) and threw something together using whatever our gracious host could offer. NGL everything had a thick layer of dust on it. Still a cool list though, of firstborn Iron Hands. When was the last time you saw Assault Centurions on the field?

I hid from the considerable firepower up front, pretty easy on this board.

Battle round 1

The Iron Hands took the field, but had no shots to do.

I did the same. Here's some crucial mistakes I did: misdeployed and had to advance on the objectives, thus missing the actions to raise banners and do scans. Moved everything forward, leaving my backfield characters vulnerable to deep striking Terminators. Moved too far forward, exposing my Possessed to be charged.

Battle round 2

The Iron Hands obliged, moving up. Barely any shooting still.

Assault Centurions annihilated the Possessed, so I moved the Bikers to be roadblocks. However, I left the Accursed Cultists within viable charge range.

Terminators deep struck and shot down the Master of Possessions, then charged the Rhino and consolidated into the Rubrics. 

So far, this was within reason and statistics.

The Vindicator one-shot my Land Raider. We were both surprised, but that set the way the game was going forwards.

The Chaplain charged the Daemon Prince and killed him in two fight phases, surviving with 1 wound. This in turn made me sad.

I charged my Chosen and Apostle into the Terminators, taking most of them out.

Battle round 3

I was feeling pretty bad about this, with the noose closing around me. The Assault Centurions shot down the Bikers, then charged and killed the Accursed Cultists. I interrupted there, hoping to kill one, but 2 6+ FnPs were made. Big sad again.

I had the Terminators emerged, but they missed both melta shots, rolled poorly in close combat, and got stuck in with the Ironclad Dreadnought.

At least the combined might of psychics, flamers and combat was enough to take out the Centurions.

Battle round 4

The Iron Hands were pretty much out of things to do, as my decimated forces hid behind all the ruins. Obviously the Terminators lost their combat, with the Dreadnought rolling a 6+ FnP on his last wound.

I, on the other hand, bannered and scanned this objective, then had the Chosen run and charge into a lone techmarine for points.

Battle round 5

Still nothing to do for the Iron Hands. I tried a long bomb charge into the Apothecary with my Apostle, but failed. However, the Chosen ran unto the Vindictor's objective, thus eking out 4 more points.

Final score

A glorious tie!

I felt dominated through the entire game due to my early mistakes. I fought tooth and nail for every point, and it was a great, great surprise that I actually managed this much. Especially when every key moment, a 6+ FnP would show up for the Iron Hands and deny me whatever I was reaching for.

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