
Thursday, May 18, 2023

Painting Blissbarb Archers

Ah, these models. I decided on beginning on my slaaneshi forces this year, with these footsoldiers for starters. And let me tell you, I hated them at first. Assembly is very fiddly, with dynamic poses as you would expect with newer GW miniatures, and very fiddly little pieces, also as you would expect. I initially wanted to do some conversions on the second box of minis, but completely gave up on the idea after seeing the sprues. Instead, I decided to use different skintones for some variance. Then, when I started painting them, it hit me that they have a lot, and I mean A LOT of details, of different kinds, spread all over the miniature. So I gritted my teeth and did the basecoats. But then, with all the details picked out, I was amazed by how well the miniatures look. Unlike the Daemonettes which are just ugly, these gals and guys present well toned muscles, bare feet, bondage gear, and barely covered bodies. I fell in love.


Assemble and glue on base. Glue on some pieces of broken statuary where the pose allows it. This works well especially with the running/jumping models. And it also works well because a lot of the minis already stand on broken statues.

Prime Wraithbone.


Do Contrast basecoats whereever possible to speed up the process. I also painted the metallic parts with Basilicanum Grey.


Then dilute Shyish Purple with Contrast medium 1:6 and paint over all the leather and metal.

Highlight the metals using Silver and the leather using Cold Grey.

Paint the tassles using bright Contrast colors and do minimal highlights. Do the gemstones using GW technical paints.

Finish off with the Woodland base.


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