
Monday, June 26, 2023

M.A.G.U.S. - Pre-boss fight

The adventurers camped out for the night behind some camouflage, with some refugees sitting nearby. They kept a lookout, and so they saw the monster patrol creeping up. Obviously, they did nothing to save the refugees, who got slaughtered. One survivor was promptly abandoned, and the adventurers continued on their way downward.

They passed through a travel montage, penetrating ever more into the underground realm. The patrols became rarer, but stronger. The party decided to avoid any caravans, even those transporting prisoners. No reason to help, after all.

The party also decided to avoid an underground lakeside and its chattering lobster-monster.[1]

Finally, they ran into a large patrol coming straight out of the rockside.

Spells rained down on the monsters, engulfing them in a rain of fire and hampering their charge with a stretch of ice. The monsters charged nevertheless, with their sorcerer dispelling the spell effects and a huge armored warrior downing Biznard with a single shot of its glowing crystal crossbow. 

The adventurers decided to make the armored figure their primary target. Daramin avoided the charging brutes with an invisibility spell, then plunged his rapiers into his target. Shamil flew over and lunged sword first. The warrior went down.

The monstrous sorcerer, bleeding profusely, confined Shamil to unspeakable agonies, then disintegrated the ground around him. Shamil fell down and blacked out; Daramin fell down, but recovered.

Daramin pushed the sorcerer itself into the pit using a wave of force, breaking its neck. 

In the meantime, Ylimor held the line against all the remaining monsters, having barely recovered from a crossbow shot to the shoulder. Dalibor eliminated one monster each round with precise shots of his own masterwork crossbow.

With Daramin out of the pit and Dalibor circling around to take shots into the back of any monsters, the adventurers quickly prevailed.

After patching up their fallen allies, the adventurers got looting. Dalibor took the sorcerers lightweight armor and runed staff, and the warrior's crossbow. Biznard instead tried on the warrior's armor, which melded unto his skin. Probably nothing mal-intended there, at all.

Next up: well, how ever could the tension ratchet any higher after this?

[1] Fans of The Dark Tower found this interesting.

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