
Thursday, June 22, 2023

Painting Death Korps of Krieg

10 lasgun-wielding Kriegers for starters. So first let's clear up their story: I bought the lot of them (along with special equipment dudes, to be painted later) assembled, with original arms, and enough 3d printed bodies to use all of the arms in the kit. Which is pretty smart I think. As for the paintscheme, it is based on this absolutely boss video. This chap really leverages Contrast paints, which I love to do as well. I took some liberties here and there, obviously. The miniatures were already mounted on their city bases, fitting well into my existing Imperial Guard.


They were primed Wraithbone, but the surface was hydrophobic (perhaps the 3d printed material reacts badly to it?), so I painted over by hand using Grey Seer. That's another hour of my life I'm not getting back.

Paint the outside of the greatcoat using a 3:1 mix of Space Wolves Grey and Ultramarines Blue.

Paint over the greatcoat, as well as the cuffs, insides and collars with Space Wolves Grey.

I started on the rest of the basecoats, then I realized that drybrushing the base three times will mess it up. So do the cobblestone base up to and including the wash step.

Then basecoat the leathers in Wyldwood and the gasmask and leg straps in Skeleton Horde.

Then basecoat the metalics (gun except the casing, armor and helmet, doodads, some backpacks etc) in Gunmetal.

Wash over the entirety of the gun, and all metallics except the armor in Basilicanum Grey. Then paint the gun casing and hoses, as well as the armor and leather in Black Templar. I find it spectacular that on 3 slightly different basecoats, the black achieves three distinct effects.

I diverged here from the video. I simply painted the armor as Dark metal, and highlighted the rest of the metallics in the same step for a simplified traditional metallicShiny gold for all the aquilas, skull motifs and medals.

With all the metallics out of the way, carry on highlighting the regular colors. 

  • greatcoat: Sombre Grey
  • lighter fabric: Wolf Grey
  • light brown: Off White
  • dark leather, gun casing: Cold Grey

Paint the eye lenses Blood Angels Red and the decorations Gryph Hound Orange.

Finish off the miniatures with the final Stonewall Grey drybrush across the base (and the shoes, and the bottom of the coats), then paint the rim of the base black.


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