
Monday, July 24, 2023

Mission #1 Story

Castellan Mother Theresa leaned over the hololithic display, her augmetic eye changing focus every couple of seconds with a loud whirr. A bright red rune signaled the xenos landing craft in the dusty outback. There was no reason to engage them yet. She looked over at Sister Lucy. 

'Very well. Fortify the nearby city and wait for the xenos to wear themselves out in the wilderness. Let them-'

'You shall do no such thing.'

Theresa looked up, her human eye wide with the shock of being talked down to like that. Her expression hardened immediately. Accompanied by the swish of ample skirts, Inquisitor Caecilia walked into the room like she owned the place. Thanks to her rosette, she actually did.

'Your actions would put the excavation directly in the path of the xenos. You shall avoid that at all costs, while my people evacuate.'

'You would spend the lives of my soldiers over trinkets, inquisitor?'

'Yes. I will lend my forces as well. Interrogator Clotilde will supervise operations.'

And that was that.


At the same, a different kind of war council was taking shape at the ork landing zone.


Warboss Edkrakka gestured at the rough map shaped of dirt and dung. 

'We'z gonna take all da boyz and smash da humiez to bitz!'

'But boss - interjected a smaller ork - we just landed one rok! We need moar boyz ta-'

Edkrakka swung his klaw, not even bothering to engage the power field, mashing the other ork's head against the wall. With a loud crack, its skull smashed to pieces, showering the room in green gore.

'Dere's a fine line between a smartboy and a smart git.' - growled Edkrakka. 'Any otha objekshuns?'

The orks looked at each other. Grokkit was the first to act, raising his choppa tentatively.


It caught on. The orks raised their weapons and howled as one:


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