
Thursday, July 20, 2023

Painting Steeds of Slaanesh

Lots of slaaneshi soldiers ride these steed-daemons .I decided to paint them separately from the riders. The paint scheme is loosely based on a Warhammer TV tutorial, but I replaced the regular acrylics with juicy Contrast paints. For the second batch, I followed the exact same steps, but switched up the paints.

Batch 1

Prime Wraithbone.

Magos Purple all across the skin-type details.

Paint the upper scales Doomfire Magenta. Paint the sails Sigvald Burgundy. Paint the feet another layer of Magos Purple.

Overall drybrush Squid Pink.

Batch 2

Prime Grey Seer. Overall Dreadful Visage, upper scales Volupus Pink, manes Luxion Purple, drybrush Reaper Breast Cancer Pink.

Common parts

Do the remaining details:

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