
Thursday, July 13, 2023

Painting skeletal riders

Back to ancient miniatures. These are Warhammer Fantasy, probably Vampire Counts, skeletal knights, sitting in the closet and biding their time. I re-discovered them during moving and decided on slapping on some paint.


The riders were supplied with 25x50 rectangular bases, which are very small, if you are not planning to use them in Warhammer Fantasy. Having learned this from the living riders, I decided on putting them on 50mm round bases. Now, the rectangular bases are slotted and the skeletal horses have their legs on rails. I thought about cutting it off, but they seem to be very flimsy, so I just glued the rails unto the bases, and filled out the surroundings using putty. Once everything dried (including the superglue used to fix the putty in place), I glued the riders on using blobs of green stuff.

Finally, when that dried, I glued on the weapons and shields using superglue gel. 

The riders do have other bits and bobs, such as swords on the back, instrument, banner etc. which I decided to leave off.


Prime Wraithbone. Then carry on with painting in batches. First, I did all the Contrast basecoats.

Then all metallics. Change the water.

Wash the metallics. Drybrush the bronze. Change the water. Do all the applicable wash/Contrast layers, this should dull down any bronze flakes that landed where they shouldn't have. Highlight the silver. Change the water again.

Finish the highlights using the wet palette. 

For a complete list:

Unintended Blanchitsu for the win.


Woodland base. I tried some new stuff including tall shrubbery by GSW which I now think is intended to be planted into putty. Here I just laid it down on the base and masked the join point with other material.


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