
Thursday, August 31, 2023

Converting Escher gangers into Kasrkin

I had some Escher sprues (3x5 gangers) since forever. Initially I envisioned them as Slaaneshi cultists, but then I got actual cultists from a Dark Vengeance box, and so in the pile of potential they stayed. Up until now. Playing Necromunda Underhive Wars sparked the idea to convert them and use them as Kasrkin. Kind of makes sense, as the kasrkin are literally 'city kin'. Who is more city dwelling than the hive gangers? Now I wanted to stick to the Escher aesthetics, so the conversions are only aimed at achieving WYSIWYG equipment, as follows: sergeant with power weapon and plasma pistol; two plasma guns; two volley guns; one pistol and melta mine; one sniper rifle; voxcaster; four lasguns.

Lasguns and sniper rifle

Lasguns are obviously the easiest to achieve, by not modifying anything. I trimmed the top of the would-be sniper rifle and glued on a space marine scope.


I took the heavy ganger body and a standard guard voxcaster. Trim and file a bit so the vox fits more snugly.

Through the power of plastic glue...


The Escher gang boss is already pretty cool and has a power whip and a plasma pistol. However, the two are not compatible without modifications.

I trimmed down the plasma pistol shoulder pad, then stuck it on using a small ball of green stuff. Flatten into the shoulder using a silicone shaper.

Volley gun

I used the heavy gangers by simply cutting off the smoke from the barrel and drilling a hole. By painting the tank as energy cells instead of liquid holder, I should make a convincing heavy energy weapon.

Melta mine

Start from this primaris infiltrator (?) mine arm. 

Cut off the sword from an appropriate Escher arm. Glue it into the mine. Done.

Plasma guns

This was the most finicky part. I coopted these volkite weapons from a Legion special weapon upgrade sprue. They have energy coils and will do nicely.

Cut into both the lasgun and the volkite. Test fit multiple times, sand as needed. Glue.

Looks great.


This is all well and nice, but the left arms aren't perfect fits. Glue them on using small balls of green stuff. Then cover up the joins using green stuff scrollwork.


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