
Thursday, August 31, 2023

Converting Skitarii into Catachan city fighters

I bought a set of Skitarii a long time ago a huge discount. They sat patiently in the closet until the Escher conversions sparked an idea. I want some Catachans in the army but I'm not shelling out money on GW's dated looking models. So here's the idea: use the Skitarii as city fighters, painting their cloaks in grey city camo. I also wanted them to better fit my almost-all-female nun army, so I bought some female heads for them. Besides two sets of Rangers, I also had a box of Ruststalkers - perfect for the beefier Catachan characters.

Catachan Jungle Fighters

Assemble the Rangers. I left the backpacks off and cut off the nubs; cut off the ends of the rifles and drilled some holes; and cut off the cables hanging on the sides where possible.

The voxcaster keeps his backpack.

For the flamers, the Horus Heresy legion special weapon set comes to the rescue again. Cut up some rifles and glue to the flamers.

Sly Marbo

The flechette blasters are already UZI looking and we have power swords, so assemble as-is. Except I glued a scope on the blaster taken from some space marine kit.

Sergeant Harker

Take a heavy bolter from the Horus Heresy legion heavy weapon set. The stance is very different from a marine, so I cut up the right arm just below the shoulder, and rotated it before gluing. The left arm then needed small balls of green stuff at the shoulder and wrist.

Iron Hand Straken

I used a right arm from the Horus Heresy special weapon set and a scout shotgun. Cut the left hand off the shotgun.

Assemble the rest as-is.

Character basing

Catachan characters are on 32mm bases, with Straken on 25mm. The Ruststalker legs are very wide stanced, standing on the edges of 40mm bases. So I glued some sprues at an angle for them to stand on.


Now, to make them fit my mostly female army alongside the nuns. Here's a bunch of heads from GSW (the normal, bionic and cyberpunk sets).

I used superglue gel for this, as the Ranger bodies have very large holes that won't simply fit the neck nubs. I also didn't want to deal with overflowing green stuff.

Fill out the bases

Add broken up statues and city ruins. Fill out using putty.

Camo cloaks (and other green stuff work)

Catgirl Sly Marbo has the cool princeps cloak, so it only made sense to create camo cloaks for the other characters as well.

Knead the green stuff into a flat piece using baking paper and a rolling pin. Cut into appropriate places.

Put the cloaks on, then fix the model in such a position so the desired direction of the cloak is downwards. Let it cure for the night.

Note that I also cut a thin strip to cover the wrist joint. 


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