
Thursday, August 24, 2023

Re-painting LOTR hunter orcs

I bought this bunch of Lord of the Rings hunter orcs second hand, assembled and basecoated. Like so many other minis, they spent their fair share in the closet. Now that I have experience doing simple glow-ups, I thought I'd give them a try.

Initial state

The goal is to avoid any re-basecoating. For example, I'd rather paint their arm and legguards as metalic - but they shall be leather.



  • Biel-Tan Green (green skin)
  • Agrax Earthshade (brown leather, wood, quiver)
  • Carroburg Crimson (red leather)
  • Ratling Grime (silver metalics, hair, fletching)
  • Gryph-Hound Orange (silver metalics)


  • Scorpion Green (green skin)
  • Cold Grey (black fletching)
  • Heavy Grey (black hair)
  • Dark Fleshtone/Tan (red leather)
  • Beasty Brown/Leather Brown (brown leather)
  • Off White (quiver)
  • Filthy Brown (wood, quiver spots)
  • Dead White (eyes) -> Blood Angels red


Woodland base. 


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