
Monday, September 25, 2023

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Behir boss fight

The adventurers got back into the middle of it, hearing the sounds of battle just around the corner. They creeped through a narrow tunnel, happening on a large confrontation between drow elves of houses Freth and Auvryndar, as well as their summoned demons.

The party sweeped in, destroying the elves of House Freth. Even surprised by the survivors of last time's combat and their shadow demons, the adventurers quickly triumphed. Here's to the teleporting tank leaving her fellows alone! But there's always old reliable Groin.

The adventurers were debriefed by the drow priestess in charge of the Auvryndar forces, then decided for a long rest - right there in the middle of the corpse field. They also made the surprised pikachu face when assaulted by the behir in the middle of their rest.

The monster quickly overwhelmed them, but Antrius incapacitated it for long enough to get away.

Back at the drow camp, the adventurers rested, then tracked down the Behir. Antrius transformed Brienne into a giant ape, and combat was joined.

Legendary spell cast actions are nice on paper, but the full sized party quickly overwhelmed even the invisible behir. 

Next up: there's still troglodytes to enslave!

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