
Thursday, September 28, 2023

Painting a Slaaneshi Hellflayer chariot

With the slaaneshi mortals done, time to start with the daemon side as well. I always dreaded the assembly and painting of this chariot model, and turns out it's... not quite that bad but it's pretty bad. I'm 100% sure that I put on at least some wheels in reverse. Oh well.

Painting the body of the chariot

Spray Leadbelcher, then paint slaaneshi metal.

Painting the steeds

I followed the steps from painting the other steeds.

Painting the Daemonettes

Again following the steps of the Warhipster Daemonette tutorial. I've documented it here, but I'm low key annoyed of repeating some painting steps. I'll experiment later on changing it up a bit.

Anyway, basecoat all the skin and claws with 6:1 diluted Shyish Purple. Basecoat the hair, and also coat the claws and the legs up to the knees with Magos Purple. Black Templar on the claw coverings and tips of the claws, eyes, mouth, claws on feet and legs. Leadbelcher on any armor and jewelry. Now for the annoying part: back to the original mix and go over the black and silver, but also the claws hands and feet. The leather/silver is just a preparation for Slaaneshi leather & metallics, but I'm unsure how much the tone change on the claws and feet matter.

Also start on the loincloth as Slaaneshi cloth.

Coat the claw hands 2:1 diluted Black Templar, then highlight Slaanesh Grey.

When highlighting the cloth, also layer the skin with the 2:1 Pallid Wych Flesh/Slaanesh Grey. Then highlight the face with pure Pallid Wych Flesh. Thank the gods for the wet palette, otherwise this much mixing would drive me crazy.

Highlight the hair Reaper Breast Cancer Pink.

Then final highlights on the leather and silver.


Le sigh. 

I first glued the riders on the steeds, but then I realized that the chariot yoke is fixed below the saddle. Rip off the riders (thank the gods for plastic glue) and glue on the steeds approximately where needed. Note to self for next time: glue on the riders at the same time. Because obviously they don't fit on perfectly. I just went brute force and glued them on using superglue.

At least the charioteer fits well with no other issues, other than the very small contact points - her soles. I scraped the paint off the chariot and glued her on using plastic glue.

This will be the most obnoxious model ever to transport.


Woodland base. For something extra, I applied Stirland Battlemire in a line behind the biggest "wheels" to show where they tore up the earth. And a bit of Mordant Earth to show just how deep the wheels go.


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