
Sunday, October 1, 2023

September review and October goals

I definitely did not round it all off in September. The start of the school year hit way harder than expected.

D&D is the one stable leg my hobby life always gets to stand on. Yay us. Still on the same level of the dungeon, though. If we don't go through this in October, I'm rage quitting.

Surprisingly, we made it to the end of our MAGUS campaign with a two-part finale. Well, not every character made it. Stay tuned. We might start something new this month.

No Warhammer this month. Sustaining one game per week for the RPGs above was enough of a struggle.

Okay, cool. How about painting? Not very good. I went on a hiatus in the first half of the month, as my eyes frequently hurt by evening. But I'm back, and I painted some commission characters, as well as some low effort monsters. 

As for October, it's really time to finish some Guard infantry (base coats laid on, time to highlight) and round off the commissions to paint more of my own stuff. I'm way behind on my 1 mini/day goal, but I primed a bunch of fantasy minis, which should go by quickly and improve the statistics.

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