
Monday, October 16, 2023

M.A.G.U.S. - Season finale part 2

The party continued their mad dash towards the center. As the battle intensified in the distance, the lords of the armies lazily circled each other in the air and flinged spells of unimaginable power at each other. Several missed their targets, closing off areas of the cave or resulting in large fiery explosions and clouds of dust.

Note to self: if the characters are unbeatable in combat, send a few environment effects at them.

Ylimor fell really badly after the ground buckled. Dalibor cut off his armor to save his life. This made the knight a lot weaker in the battles to come. At least everyone was still on their feet, at this point. And then some soldier monsters wandered out of the dust cloud.

Here's some artsy pictures of the battle! Thanks to Dalibor's player.

The adventurers defeated their foes, but the boss fight loomed in the distance.

The party then ran up the stairway inside a tunnel, only to come face-to-face with a snake lady and an alien sorcerer. The monsters fell, but the adventurers got weaker at each encounter. Especially when faced with the ancient magics present in this place.

The first stone ball hid a pleasure garden. However, as soon as the party entered, gravity reversed, instantly killing all inhabitants and causing some nasty falls for the adventurers. As soon as their minds adjusted to the new landscape, they hurried on, out and across the next tunnel. A chomping plant monster barred their way, but Ylimor hurried back for some corpse-meat to distract it.

The final stone ball held the angel's throne room, with the Stone floating above an obelisk. Obviously, the adventurers did not stop to heal and recuperate, instead running at the stone and snatching it. Everything collapsed around them. Daramin was able to harness the magics to force a portal open, leaving his fellow adventurers to hold off any attackers.

Wave after wave of soldiers came at the adventurers.

Reinforced by powerful monsters and sorcerers.

The party held out quite well right up until the angel broke in to the room and the gaming store was closing, at which point Cahir, Shamil and Ylimor fell to the onslaught. Daramin ripped open a hole in space, teleporting himself, Dalibor and Biznard to the outskirts of the city of Erion.

Obviously, that took some effort, so we rolled a D10 to see what terrible fate befalls the firemage. He escaped unharmed (except of course his earlier wounds, which include burned out eyes, boiled lungs, and cracked skin).

Glory to the survivors and remembrance for the glorious dead! It's about high time I made an obituary on my blog.

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