
Thursday, October 12, 2023

Painting Atican city fighters (characters)

I experimented with the urban camo cloaks on these 3 models which have larger cloaks than the regular infantry, taking ideas from Gaunt's Ghosts.

Painting the main parts

Prime Grey Seer. Basecoat everything except the weapons and face Basilicanum Grey.

This makes it easier to basecoat the mechanical parts of the body Gunmetal.

Paint all the body and the inside of the cloak Black Templar.

Do patches of Black Templar on the camo cloak.

Add patches of Stonewall Grey and Heavy Grey.

Finish off the camo cloak with a 3:2 diluted coat of Nuln Oil.

For highlights:

Other details:

Sly Marbo's envenomed blade

Gunmetal basecoat. Paint 3 layers of Agrax Earthshade.

Edge highlight Chainmail Silver.

After varnishing, stipple on Nurgle's Rot.

Straken's power sword

I felt like painting a warm toned blade to contrast with all the greyscale. I opted for a molten effect.

Basecoat Bloody Red.

Start glazing Orange Fire. I did several layers, like 6 or so, diluted to the max. Take care not to overwhelm the surface, like I did here on the first try. If the blend is not perfect, try feathering.

Mix in Fluo Yellow and glaze again, several layers.

Pure Fluo Yellow around the power node.

Mix Dead White into the Fluo Yellow for the final highlights.

Now, for the darkening around the edges. Mix Charred Brown into Bloody Red and dot highlights around the edges and center of the blade. Do it again, this time making small notches towards the inside of the blade.

Do it again, with pure Charred Brown, ever more sparingly.


I painted the faces medium skintone. Follow up with Cold white (hair)/Blond hair/Female face. I tried Painting eyes but they are way too small, so I stopped after the black wash. Paint the bionics silver, then the one lens big enough gets Blood for the Blood God! over Silver.

Pink hair is Volupus Pink/Breast Cancer Pink. Paint the cat ears Bad Moon Yellow.


Fill out the base using Stirland Battlemire, then paint the rubble in the usual cobblestone color scheme. The manholes have some nasty leakage modeled so paint it Nazdreg Yellow, then Nurgle's Rot.


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