
Monday, October 23, 2023

Mission #3 - Raid the excavation

The imperials drew up their heavy defenses on the outskirts of the excavation, with the main forces protecting the center structure.

The Orks had the choice of either approaching stealthily (for Orks, anyway) and go first on 2+, or make some noise with a free shooting phase, then roll off for first turn. Being Orks, they took the free phase, annihilating 2 squads of heavy weapons. Then, they promptly lost the roll off.

Battle round 1

The surviving heavy weapons shot some wounds off the Trukk, but nothing else, even with a 4+ Overwatch. I immediately regretted putting my behemoth squad in the center as they were outside effective shooting range.

The Orks then closed in, shooting down the last outlying heavy weapons teams.

Battle round 2

I had my reserves come in on 3+. Everything came in, including the Leman Russ Executioner "Valentina Tereshkova".

I spread out my fire, killing some Flash gitz and Deffkoptaz.

On their own turn, the Orkz were already "investigating" some objectives. Uhh, boss? Dem freaky metal boyz are here!

The Russ used its smoke launchers, negating incoming fire. The surviving Deffkopta still charged, but got overwatch'd then run down in melee.

Further battle rounds

As time passed, we were approaching closing time, and excitement ran high - I kind of forgot take lots of pictures. However, here's the story.

On turn 3, the Chimeras advanced towards the left flank and disgorged their infantry squads. I had confidence in the awakening Necrons to keep the squighog boyz busy. A very funny, if unfortunate, event was the Kasrkin shooting:

  • Commissar overcharges plasma pistol. Misses. Died to hazardous. Reroll. Still dies.
  • Kasrkin sergeant overcharges plasma pistol. Misses. Dies.

At least the rest of the squad did fine, but didn't finish off anything. I shot some cheeky volleyguns into the Necron warriors to steal some xp, but left one alive. Shot the flash gitz but barely dented them. However, the Executioner compensated by destroying everything.

The Deff dread "Rustbucket" charged into the Kasrkin and ate the melta mine. The girls retreated, then got mowed down by the awakening destroyers.

The Squighog squad ate another round of Wraiths.

The Boss was bogged down by Skorpekh for a couple of phases, then broke through in a single swing and ran forwards into another scrap.

In the end, all the Necrons awakened and were mowed down, after dishing out a lot of punishment, obviously. We scrapped, stole xp, laughed, rolled battle scars, and generally had a lot of fun. I decided not to have any victor, as we were both equally mauled after 5 turns - the first game we actually managed to finish.

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