
Thursday, October 26, 2023

Painting Escher gangers/Kasrkin

With the Escher Kasrkin conversions done, I took my sweet time to paint them. I struggled coming up with a paint scheme, until I realized that if you create your own custom gang in Necromunda Underhive Wars, you can customize their clothing. This looked like a perfect father/daughter activity, so I let my 6 year old dress up the girls however she wanted. It's not very optimal to have a 12 strong gang with no equipment, but whatever. Once all done, I did my best to replicate the coloring. I often hear that I paint my minis is pastel colors, and no variety. Well, brace yourselves.

Teaser: in-game color schemes


I primed the miniatures Grey Seer. I filled out the bases using city rubble and Stirland Battlemire. Then, I painted all the basecoats using Contrast paints.

Quite bright and wildly varied. Notice the names scribbled on - yes, they are all named.

Let's take a look at what I achieved here with a close-up of Kinga, the first heavy trooper. Most colors are straight out of the pot, except the light violet is a mix of Sigvald Burgundy/Luxion Purple/Apothecary White. The white on the weapons is Soulblight Grey, then Flesh Tearers Red stripes.

I took no further pictures of this. The basecoating was a frenzy of mixing Contrast paints and slapping them on.

Common elements

I took a break from that to paint the common elements of the miniatures: 

Basecoat any lenses Silver, then paint Spiritstone Blue.


Again, no formal recipes here. I used plenty from the Highlighting on a Contrast basecoat, but also improvised wherever needed, usually by lightening colors with a mix-in of Dead White. Any patterned surfaces were usually left alone, or perhaps edge highlighted, see the heavy trooper's loincloth.

Skin enhancements

Ultramarines Blue lips. For the tattoos, I tested 4 contrast paints, with the right-most one being diluted Luxion Purple. Surprisingly, Druchii Violet works best along with the diluted Luxion Purple. The other two are not/barely visible.

Scribble on the names in gothic lettering using a white marker, and we're done!


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