
Thursday, November 30, 2023

Painting a commission tiefling bard

The sequel to the barbarian. Happy customers always come back, so here's a very colorful bard next. This time we have a molded base, a death-drum, hand painted stripes... challenge accepted!


Prime Grey Seer.

The light blueish grey skintone was best suited for a layer of Space Wolves Grey. I also did lowlights with diluted Nuln Oil, then higlights Wolf Grey.

Pale greyish hair with a hint a pink/red. I shaded the hair with a diluted mix of Nuln Oil and Carroburg Crimson.

Overbrush highlights of Stonewall Grey, then Dead White.

A couple of standard solutions: purple leg wraps, black drum leather, reddish boots (Gore Grunta Fur, Khaki, Hot Orange). You can also see the basecoats of the striped leggings: Ultramarine Blue and two layers of Gryph Hound Orange.

I also did the eyes, one standard and one reversed (black eye, white pupil).

The coat stripes are intentionally lighter: Frostheart and Gryph Hound Orange (one layer).

Basecoat the vest under the coat Garaghak's Sewer.

I did highlight for the stripes by mixing Dead White into Electric Blue and Orange Fire.

On to the shinies! Silver metallic and Shiny gold.

Paint the numerous gemstones using Citadel technical paints over Silver.

And now unto the finer parts. Paint the horns white by highlighting over Soulblight Grey.

Paint a red gradient over the horns by feathering out Blood Angels Red. Paint the fingernails and the nubs on the tail Blood Angels Red.

Paint the face markings using diluted Black Templar.

As a final change, the client wanted a more visible gradient on the mustache, so I feathered out Blood Angels Red here as well. My tiniest feathered surface EVER!


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