
Thursday, December 7, 2023

Converting and painting yet more Kriegers

After taking the Kriegers out for a couple of games, I realized that I dislike their equipment options that I got modeled. So I bought another box, and made it so my 20-man blob can be decked out the way I want. And I can also field a 10-man squad for backfield objective holding if needed.


Some light conversions needed. First, I needed a second plasma gunner out of the box. I had a spare plasma gun, so find a lasgunner that has the correct distance between the hands. I took this kneeling guy and cut off the lasgun at the wrist. Glue it on.

With some additional cutting at the wrist, the plasma gun actually fitted on almost perfectly, with just a tiny bit of green stuff to fill the gap.

The additional melta gunner took more cutting. See the gap at the wrist and shoulder.

Fill them using green stuff.


Paint them all up according the color scheme previously documented here. Extra options as details here. Well, except the power sword. Time to experiment with an amber-looking blade.

Basecoat Heavy Goldbrown.

Blend one half of the blade Heavy Goldbrown/Charred Brown.

Blend the other half Heavy Goldbrown/Dead White.

At this point the white part looks bone-y (not to mention it's not my smoothest blend), so glaze overall Cassandora Yellow to bring back the warmth and marry the colors.

Glaze the edges with a mix of Fluo Yellow/Dead White leading into the lighter parts. Superhighlight Dead White.


Too bad I didn't take pictures earlier. I chopped up some sprues and glued them on. Then applied the GSW Middle Earth. Leave it to cure overnight, so it hardens and doesn't come off at drybrushing. Then paint up to cobblestone but coat the "steel beams" Leadbelcher right before the wash step. Wash over them Nuln Oil. Drybrush indiscriminately.


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