
Monday, December 11, 2023

The Conspiracy of the Red Book: The One Ring 2E two-shot, part 1

For variety, we tried out The One Ring 2E. I only read the starter set rules, so no advanced stuff was happening here. And I only read through the first adventure in the set of 5. After a brief self-presentation, the hobbits, as in:

  • Paladin Took II
  • Rorimac Brandybuck
  • Drogo Baggins 
  • Primula Brandybuck

started on their adventure through the Shire: appropriating a map from Mathom-house and delivering it to Bilbo.

The hobbits solved the first issue - crossing the river - easily, with only Paladin getting in and getting right back out with a failed Athletics check. Rorimac crossed the river, tied his rope to a hollow log, which the others pulled over, then they paddled to the other side. They also aced the social checks to avoid gossip in Waymeet. Alas, the tavern was full, but a farmer offered them his barn, if they got rid of a giant owl scaring his mule. No hobbit prostitutes were to be found[1], so the adventurers accepted the barn.

In the barn, Drogo stealthily went up to the roof, a large stone in hand, ready to smack the owl. At the last moment, it flew away. Rorimac build an owl trap with some mice that Paladin found, and while they didn't catch the owl, they did scare it away. Good job!

Finally, the hobbits arrived in Michel Delving. They immediately discarded the idea of sneaking up to the front gate of the Mathom-house, instead looking around for alternate entrances. They preferred the basement door instead of the skylight, and distracted a family of pesky rats by throwing them food. Rorimac stealthily moved a bunch of pots from around the trap door, and the conspirators were inside the museum.

The hobbits immediately noticed the sleeping guard dog - a cute little terrier - and started debating what to do with it. Just as Rorimac and Paladin discussed how best to kill and skin it[2], Primula decided to pet and feed it instead. The dog was immediately charmed, and the other hobbits could look for the map in peace. Paladin even covered their tracks.

With that, the first adventure was over and done, but the game night had barely begun! As I had previously skimmed the beginning of the second adventure, we decided to get stuck in.

Bilbo replaced Primula, and the hobbit company walked its way up north to recover the lost club of Bullroarer Took. They stopped in Oatbarton for a meal[3] and gossip - nothing relevant, obviously. At least they found directions to Kingsworthy, which they found and explored. The club was gone, and the hobbits followed the tracks of the thief, finding only an elderly farmer in search of his daughter. Somehow, the hobbits guessed all the possible ways to look for the child Myrtle, and they followed her tracks - as well as those of a stranger - right into an overgrown area of the marsh.

On cue, a stone troll chased Myrtle out in the open. There was also a wounded man, of no help. The hobbits tried, but failed, to distract the troll, and combat was on.

This was finally a chance to inflict some pain on the characters. The troll was well armored and resisted all piercing blows. Alas, it did not land any hits, and the four hobbits hurt it enough such that it ran away.

The hobbits met the wounded ranger Halbarad, then walked Myrtle home.

And so the second adventure was done as well. If only I had read through the third, we might have finished that as well. As it is, we'll meet again!

[1] Shame on any proper hobbit to even suggest this.

[2] Shame! ...Shame! ...Shame!

[3] Still no prostitues. Shame!

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