
Thursday, December 14, 2023

Painting commission dwarves

Miniatures from Reaper Miniatures Kickstarter 5. I personally dislike their scale - they are absolutely HUGE. However, the sculpts are awesome.


Prime Grey Seer then lay on some Contrast basecoats.

Apply some painting tips:

Then for some experiments. Yes, I know that some of these have already been published as refined painting tips. That was then.

Dark red cloth

Basecoat with a 1:1 mix of Flesh Tearers Red and Shyish Purple.

Highlight Heavy Red.

Superhighlight Bloody Red.

Dot Orange Fire.

I'm not completely sold on this, I think the highlights are too stark.

Green cloth

Basecoat Ork Flesh.

Lowlight Dark Angels Green (all the folds, holes, indentations).

Highlight Scorpion Green.

Purple cloth

Basecoat two layers of Luxion Purple. Lowlight Shyish Purple.

Highlight Heavy Violet.

The highlights got lost, so I did it again by mixing in Dead White.


Then for something new. Runelord Brass basecoat.

Coat Gore Grunta Fur, then highlight Canoptek Alloy.

Not 100% brass (not sure if the original had been, though). Still, it's a new kind of metal, so why not.


Paint the base (including the Stirland Battlemire filler) as cobblestone. Glue on some frozen tufts, which also double greatly as dried tufts.


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