
Monday, December 18, 2023

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Going, going guano

After a month of missed sessions, we finally got together for this year's last game. The adventurers rested, healed up, and descended once more into the maze level. First encounter: some House Freth guards setting up Christmas decorations, complaining that Halloween just passed.

One guard escaped, and the adventurers chased after her... exploring some dead ends, and a spiked pit trap obscured by the ever present fog. They finally got the right way and climbed through a web of steel cabling blocking the passage, only to arrive in a large cave. Solid stepped into a mound of guano (again, obscured by the fog) and the loud conversation that followed alerted the hundreds of bats roosting on the ceiling. With great noise, the bats dispersed, with some getting into the adventurers' hair. Solid frosted over Szivem's hairdo, with everyone else scratching at the bats, and one bat hanging itself from Antrius' long, luscious hair.

All this gave ample time for guards to arrive, alerted by the noise. Ireth greeted them with a wall of fire.

Minotaur skeletons then burst through the wall of fire.

By the time the skeletons were ground down, the guards engulfed by the wall of fire made it round to harass the adventurers once more.

Just as they died, a fiery bird flew in, screeching and stunning the party.

More birds flew in, and the adventurers fought them tooth-and-nail. Well. Giant spiders, magic missiles, and good old swings to the face.

Finally, more dark elves arrived, herding humanoid monsters in front. Ireth decided to call in the big guns.

However, not even an ankylosaur is immune to dark elf poison!

To be continued...

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