
Thursday, December 21, 2023

Painting a commission chimera

A classic monster in white Reaper Bones.

Painting the lion parts

Prime Wraithbone. I painted lion bodies before on a couple of griffins, but I was never 100% happy. Now, for another experiment...

Basecoat the fur Aggaros Dunes. Basecoat the mane Nazdreg Yellow. Then, mix Cygor Brown and Black Templar, dilute it, paint the back of the mane, then feather it out. This is the most realistic version I ever painted, I think.

Dilute Agrax Earthshade 2:1 and paint over both.

Drybrush the mane using Heavy Goldbrown.

Glaze filthy brown over the fur.

Painting other details

Apply some painting tips:

Paint the eyes Dead White, then Scorpion Green for the dragon, Luxion Purple for the lion, Blood Angels Red for the goat. Hilight each (as if drawing pupils) using Dead White.


The 3d printed base got warped, so I transferred the model unto a plastic base. Finish off with the Woodland base.


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