
Thursday, December 28, 2023

Painting a commission wolf demon

I had to paint this black, werewolf-like under the moon. I opted for blue/grey highlights. I tried it once before with mixed results, but this time I did a much better job of it.

Fixing the stoop

I don't understand what went wrong, but this mini had the same issue as the gryphon: it bent over double after priming. I drilled the knee and pinned it to a resin tree trunk.

Fill out under the tree trunk with milliput and put some stones around, for fun. I fixed more stones to the base with the excess milliput.


Layer Incubi Darkness (Black + Turqoise) on the flat areas.

Instead of mixing Sombre Grey with pure Black for the glaze highlights, I instead added it to the previous mixture. Still too bright, so I dulled it down using Nuln Oil. The end result is much better than the warg I painted - a lot of the blues still shine through.

Edge highlight pure Sombre Grey.

On to the fur areas, drybrush Wolf Grey.

Then Dead White, in smaller areas. Focus on the face.

Paint all the shadows Drakenhof Nightshade. Some areas still behaved as if hydrophobic. I don't know what to do. At least it kept the paint wet for the following step: paint all the fur Agrax Eartshade. Also apply to the flat areas. Don't put it directly into the shadow areas, but let it mix just a bit with the previous shade.

Dot the extreme points Wolf Grey.

With that, the fur is complete. I still wanted a focus point on it, so I painted the eyes white, then Blood Angels Red. Let it play across the cheek, for a subtle OSL.

Prime the tree trunk by hand, and paint it as wood.


Woodland base. 


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