
Saturday, December 30, 2023

The year in review

Let's start with the most important announcement: I've reached my target and painted 365 miniatures this year!* Here's the panorama, and we'll talk other stuff later on.

Breaking that down, the Word Bearers had a strong start at the start of the year, then ran out of steam. I ventured into painting Slaanesh related stuff, but nothing saw the gaming table, so I did guardsmen/women instead. Finally, I painted a lot of fantasy miniatures.

And if the miniatures on display don't seem to reach quite that number, it's because I'm missing a large chunk of things I painted for commissions (81 pieces, or 89 with multipliers). This includes skeletonskobolds, goblins and this titan.

All in all, I'm a happy painter. Alright, let's see what's next for gaming.

Gaming was kind of lackluster this year, although I did some Warhammering, mostly 40k. This shaking hobby pillar was propped up by RPGs. 

The Dungeon of the Mad Mage campaign slogs ever onward, and we progressed about 6 dungeon levels - twice as much as last year. The levels are a bit smaller, but progress is progress. I was made DM, the group leveled up once, and they are now actually doing level-appropriate content now. All good.

We finished up our MAGUS campaign and have been playing one shots ever since. I also joined another D&D campaign that is currently on hold. I find the overall experience quite pleasant.

Finally, I tried out a different kind of wargame: A Song of Ice And Fire. Expect some commission miniatures to pop up sooner rather than later.

As for next year, I'll try to get back into both kinds of Warhammer, while playing the Dungeon and the occasional one shot and ASOIAF. Mission impossible? Bring it on.

Painting wise, I have the same target lined up, with some projects already in progress during these last few days. I'll start by expanding my Guard army first, while doing ASOIAF commissions and D&D miniatures on the side. Other than that... let's see what the spreadsheet dictates.

Happy hobbying, and may all our 2024 targets come true!

* That is with modifiers, the actual quantity being 306.

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