
Monday, January 15, 2024

Painting a commission druid

I know I could have made him more colorful, but I have this thing about druids wearing natural colors, which basically means the brown spectrum.


Lay down the Contrast basecoats on a Grey Seer primer. I tried all the browns I have on the stitched coat, and still had no chance to do all different patches. Maybe if I went for human-like skin, but he's a good guy, so no.

Basecoat the racoon Aggaros Dunes.

I quickly realized that I'm running out of browns, so I decided on green clothing. It turned out to be a nice complement!

I also realized that I do have some more browns hidden away, which I used up here.

Give the racoon his stripes and face mask using Black Templar, then color in his body fur using Ratling Grime.

So here's everything basecoated, except the metallics. Black hair avoids another shade of brown.

Then time for highlights. Work up to:

    Then all the highlights from Highlighting on a Contrast basecoat.


    Woodland base. 


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