
Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Black fur (complex)

Some animals or creatures may only have flat areas or fur areas. Apply as necessary.

Instead of the regular grey or blue highlights, which fall flat on very large and/or complex areas such as the entirety of a bigger miniature, this mixed color scheme results in bluish shadows and some browns playing across the highlights.

Prime black.

Layer Incubi Darkness (Black + Turqoise) on the flat areas.

Add Sombre Grey to the previous mixture. 

Dull it down using Nuln Oil. 

Edge highlight pure Sombre Grey.

On to the fur areas, drybrush Wolf Grey.

Then Dead White, in smaller areas. Focus on the face.

Paint all the shadows Drakenhof Nightshade. Paint all the fur Agrax Eartshade. Also apply to the flat areas. Don't put it directly into the shadow areas, but let it mix just a bit with the previous shade.

Dot the extreme points Wolf Grey.

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