
Monday, February 5, 2024

Atican campaign summary

Plot summary

Orks land on an outlying world of the Atican system. They are met by the local regiments of the Imperial Guard as well as agents of the Inquisition. The orks inadvertently uncover that the imperials were studying the dormant necrons of the world and attempt to rouse them in hope of a better fight. However, they are first delayed, then beaten back at every turn. In a final battle, the orks are soundly defeated and the awakening necrons pacified. With the orks slinking back to their ships and the necrons continuing their slumber, the world shall know peace once more... for now.

Dramatis Personae


  • Castellan Mother Theresa
  • Sister Lucy and her command squad
  • Inquisitor Caecilia
  • Interrogator Clotilde
  • two unnamed assassins serving the inquisitors


  • former Warboss 'Edkrakka
  • current Beastboss Gitstompa and his squigosaur Missiz Muncha
  • Da Surgion
  • Grokkit  Tinkrakka (formerly known as Scrapfinda before cracking a lot of necron tin heads) and his smasha squig Ed Buttacup

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