
Monday, February 5, 2024

Mission #4 - Necron beacons

So here we are, deployed for our first 2000 points game in this campaign. The scenario is based on the crusade mission Bio-sample Acquisition, with the imperials narratively trying to suppress the necron beacons while the orks are trying to get them wakey-wakey. The action cannot be initiated turn 1 (so I don't auto-win with 2 infiltrating characters) and upon completion, a random necron squad spawns close by.

Turn 1

Infantry and APCs surge forward, with the characters ready to take and suppress two objectives.

Shooting spread the damage around, with some ork squads reduced to ruin.

The orks charged as well, but made no contact.

Turn 2

More action incoming! One trukk blew up, leaving the flash gitz disembarked, but largely unharmed. Brave Kriegers step up to block them.

Ogryns charge in to keep the right most objective out of enemy hands. The Fairies disembark to shoot down some orks.

Bullgryns are heroes, as always.

The orks move in and butcher the kriegers, ignoring the Eversor assassin fighting the lone nob.

With the ogryns dead, squighog boyz move around the ruin. In a supremely funny moment, a dakka dread shot down a Chimera, then exploded.

Squighogs butcher the Fairies who are left unphased, thanks to the stern leadership of the commissar.

"Old Rustbucket" swings into the other empty Chimera.

Turn 3

The Flash 'ards become experienced character killers, executing both Lady Sly and the callidus assassin who charged in not knowing what they were in for.

Necrons pop up, and the guard desperately splits fire every direction to deal with all threats at once.

The Eversor moves to kill a whole squad of grots guarding a backfield objective.

Nobs charge into the guard left flank, taking out almost the entire squad of City Fighters.

While the Nuns with Guns struggle against the surviving Fortunate Sunz.

Turn 4

By this time, the Imperials were accumulating a hefty point lead, while killing a good number of orks. To achieve final victory, I played several gambits. One was to split the nobs.

The other, to have both the Eversor and the Nuns squad suppress an objective each.

Retreat to the beacon!

The orks tried some counterplays, with the trukk charging the Eversor, thus removing objective control and stopping the action. However, beastboss Gitstompa could not dislodge the nuns.

In the end, the orks only had the nob squad left. We played out the remaining combat, but they failed to kill the Executioner, leaving her at 1 wound.


The Imperials won with (roughly) 55-15 points and 3-0 objectives dealt with.

We also looked back at the campaign, realizing that each mission after the first was crafted with the explicit purpose of favoring the orks, but they could grind out a stalemate at best.

We decided to quit while ahead, ending the campaign there and then with an Imperial victory.

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