
Monday, February 5, 2024

Mission #4

The morning found Castellan Mother Theresa once again leaning over the tactical hololith. While the raid on the ork camp surely set the brutes back somewhat, another force had raided the inquisitor's excavation site, reactivating several strains of robotic xenos. Her troopers were putting them down, but they were rising back up almost as fast. Now she had to contain it all, coordinate her forces, and hope that the inquisitor won't get in her way too much.

As if on queue, the plasteel door opened, followed by the rustle of ample skirts. Caecilia herself was tired, and dispensed of all formalities. Not even bothering with a greeting, she stopped at the hololith. As if summoned by her presence, new red dots appeared all across the map. The inquisitor jabbed at them with her index finger.

'Additional xenos reactivations have been spotted by my tech adepts here, here and here. We must jam them, and quickly, or they will overrun this sorry planet faster than the orks ever can. Allocate me some forces, commander. I will deal with this myself.'

Theresa sighed. On par for the course.


Some distance away, the orks were having an obviously different, yet disturbingly similar conversation. 

'Sod off, 'Edkrakka! I iz boss now!' yelled Gitstompa, waving his choppa. 'And I sayz dem freaky metal boyz make for a hekkin good scrap! Good loot too! All dem meks bein squig deep in all we'z found.'

Gitstompa abruptly halted, seeing the excited mek waving at him from the other side of the command hut.

'Wot iz it? WOT IZ IT?'

'Boss! Boss! Dis metal tek is zoggin bootiful! We need more gubbinz... to make ya somefin' propa flashy an' 'ard! Da Big Mek sayz more metal boyz be comin' out of dem sands. Roight about now!'

Gitstompa grinned from ear to ear, saddling his choppa on his broad shoulders.

'Alright boyz. Let's get lootin'!'

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