
Monday, February 12, 2024

Golden Vault: Eldritch horror heist, part 2

We resumed our heist with a much diminished crew, but with a new addition: Hasbullah 'Mini Khebab' McSparkface, the rock gnome artificer. We got down from the attic, but not before noticing some unidentifiable metallic sounds from below. Oh well... Teek listened at the door, I opened it, and we stepped out into... a well lit museum, with now windows but wall sconces and continuous flame spells. I sneaked forwards, almost triggering an enchanted statue - I managed to dive behind a couch just in time. Guards, guards everywhere. But I did reach the cleaning supplies' room.

I took a peek out... more guards. It took a couple of nerve wracking skill checks to sneak on, while they walked to and from.

First monkey wrench in the plan: the fake crystal (the one we wanted to swap out the 'real' one to prevent the security system from triggering) was gone.

Second monkey wrench: not only is the crystal room well guarded, but the fake crystal is placed on the pedestal.

I kept in touch with Aris using his message cantrip. I asked for a diversion, as I felt my luck was being exhausted. They caused some noise, and I cast a dancing lights in between the guards as well, mimicking a floating, luminous humanoid. I got back in the ruckus, and regrouped with the others.

By this point we had snagged two keycards: I pickpocketed one, and Aris took one off the sleeping guard in the cafeteria. I had also unwittingly tested mine by crossing the enchanted threshold of the cafe, but the alarm had not triggered. Now we just needed 2 more to get down the stairs.

Aris decided to sleep the two guards in the big room, but he missed his target by 1. The DM pitied us enough to describe the second guard sitting down and fighting off the sleep, at which Aris minor illusion'd a lullaby in his ear. We had a good laugh, and the guard dozed off. I took the keycards, as well as 50 copper pieces in total - a happy coincidence.

We tried sneaking down the stairs, but the guards almost spotted us, but Aris replayed his sleep - missing roll by 1 - lullaby combo. We hurried through the first locked door, and down into the basement.

The basement contained 3 chests, one of which was pulsing with a green light. Another one was a mimic. It immediately wrapped Aris in his huge tongue, then loped off. Teek intervened with searing smite, causing the mimic to spit out the gnome in terror. We kept shooting it, while it knocked out Teek. Good thing about Ray of Frost: it slows down the target. Just enough to keep it back while we shot it down.

Now we were two party members down, and no way to heal them.

Sparky and I decided that the mission was more important - surely the complications were over? And the egg was pulsing more and more rapidly. And it also made me take a wisdom save as I looked at it. Sparky carried the chest, and I carried Aris. We wrapped Teek in a rug and left her for the moment.

Obviously, the complications were not over.

Dr. Dannell was waiting for us at the specified spot, along with a couple of thugs. Just as the conversation was picking up, the egg pulsed again, sending Sparky berzerk. He attacked, the bandits attacked back, we ran away.

We circled back trying to make sense of the situation, but the bandits got 2 more friends on the scene. We decided to jump ship and go back for Teek. We slapped her awake and she healed herself up. Now, with the party 3 strong, we crept back to the alley.

And then the eldritch horror hatched.

It attacked the bandits, and we shot it, so it teleported to us. I stood firm, even against its fear effect, dodging the acid blood.

With some help from the bandits, we killed the monster. They decided to walk away. We did a short rest in the park, like the hobos we are, and decided to go back into the museum. After all, no alarm had been raised. And we had locked rooms to explore.

One room contained a lot of papers. Aris took the plan for the magical security system, and Sparky took the description of the animatronic Allosaurus.

The second room was the office of the curator, housing her collection of antique dolls. So obviously one animated and attacked.

Destroying it caused some noise, but the guards decided to stay out of the creepy room, and so we snuck away undetected. But not before I pissed on the doll.

With nobody the wiser, we retreated outside and went to rest in a tavern, collecting our rewards the day after. The heist was a success 4/5, and the DM surprised us with several tables of mundane and magical rewards, reputation progression, custom vendors and the like.

The next session will see us travel to Waterdeep, level up, shop and do downtime activities, and then obviously, start on our next heist.

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