
Thursday, February 8, 2024

Painting Elrond

Time to experiment with a greenish tint on a miniature.


Prime Grey Seer. Proceed to do the Contrast basecoats, then the metallics over that. Paint some areas up to these painting tips:

I then applied Dark green cloth. Or at least I tried to. Disregard anything it says in there. Dark Green is such a weak color, it took 8-10 layers (some of them with the pure color, no black mixed in) just to get here.

I'll just rewrite the painting tip next time I apply it.

Shiny gold armor but instead of Reikland Fleshshade I applied diluted Militarum Green. It just killed the shine and the green was invisible, so I painted undiluted Militarum Green directly into the recesses. Next time, don't bother diluting.


Woodland base. 


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