
Thursday, February 29, 2024

Paint a stereotypical witch

A bit late for Halloween, but here's the witchiest witch I can think of. All she's missing is a broom.


Prime Grey Seer.

I did an experiment on the robe. Basecoat Sigvald Burgundy.

Coat Shyish Purple, highlight Warlord Purple.

Highlight Heavy Skintone. I dislike  this step.

Then paint up to:

Experiment on the octopus tentacle. Basecoat Volupus Pink, then Carroburg Crimson.

Highlight Squid Pink - barely visible. Second highlight Breast Cancer Pink.

Basecoat the rocks Basilicanum Grey. Coat Nuln Oil. Edge highlight and do small nicks Cold Grey. Superhighlight Grey Seer.

Finish off the miniature with some makeup: Guilliman Blue between the eyes and eyebrows, Bloodletter on the cheeks.

Glue on a plastic base. Barely anything is visible, no further work needed.


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