
Thursday, February 15, 2024

Painting an aquatic monster girl

I think I bought this miniature from the same place the genie came from - I just don't know where. 

Anyway, I painted them up in parallel. Next to the genie's regal blue, I wanted this one to be more turqoise.

Painting the skin 

Prime Grey Seer. Everything I said for the genie applies here as well.

Except for Aethermatic Blue. Don't diluted Aethermatic Blue.

Undiluted version.

Dilute Akhelian Green, then Terradon Turqoise.

Paint the hair pure Terradon Turqoise, then highlight Electric Blue.

Paint all the fleshy details, scales fins etc Coelia Greenshade.

Painting other details

Paint the eyes white, then coat Frostheart, then dot the pupils white.

Paint the mouth Volupus Pink, then pick out the teeth.

Paint the Skull.

Finally, paint the rock grey with Cold Grey/Basilicanum Grey/Cold Grey.

Basing and effects

Sandy base. Also muck up the stone and bones using Blood for the Blood God!

Then apply water effects. Only I failed miserably so I just cleaned up the base, reapplied the black rim, and she's stuck on a sandy shore forever.


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