
Thursday, February 15, 2024

Painting a blue genie

I felt like experimenting again. I tried a blue gradient some time ago - time to rethink it using Contrast paints. I have to say it came out very well.

Painting the skin

Prime Grey Seer. 

As always, the key to a smooth layer is dilution. Unless specified, dilute everything 1:1 with Contrast Medium. Feather it out using a damp brush. Observe the drying process and sponge up any pooling.

Start with an overall layer of diluted Frostheart.

Second layer up to the chest, feather it out. Also do the arms.

Undiluted Talassar Blue on the hair.

Then diluted Talassar Blue and cover up to about waist level. Do a second layer up to about knee level.

Finally, diluted Leviadon Blue on the bottom. I think I diluted this a bit over 1:1, just to make sure.

The womanly parts looked great, smooth transitions and all. However, I felt that the smoky parts needed something more. I did an Electric Blue drybrush. This looked well on the edges, however, there is a small flat surface up front in the middle, which became streaky. I smoothed it out using Guilliman Blue. This should not have been needed, but I was careless.

Painting the details

Shiny gold accessories.

Paint diluted Black Templar over the hair, then highlight Electric Blue. 

Paint the lips Talassar Blue.

Paint the eyes white, then Guilliman Blue, then dot the pupils white.

Clean up any mistakes using diluted Electric Blue.


Sandy base. In the desert. Because it's a genie.


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