
Monday, March 25, 2024

Hedonites of Slaanesh vs Flesh Eater Courts

First game: Geomantic Pulse. I bunched up in a corner, with a gathering of horrible monsters on the opposite side.

Battle round 1

I had the ghouls go first, and they took up some board control. I shot and charged in, killing the big group off. However, a unit of 2 was enough to kill Syl'Esske. 

Battle round 2

The Flesh Eaters got priority. A unit of 3 was brought back from the dead and they sneaked in from behind and then moved for an easy charge on my chariot.

Morbheg Knights came in the other side. They all charged, no Unleash Hell, and it was over.

We played the game to the end because of points, but even my rallied archers got 1 model back from 20.

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