
Monday, March 25, 2024

Hedonites of Slaanesh vs Ogor Mawtribes

 Second game: Fountains of Frost.

I again bunched up in my corner, with the peaceful herdsmen and their moo-cows in the other corner. I left them a single possible 12" charge and let them go first.

Battle round 1

Some positioning and the frost sabers took objectives, but no successful charge. So I surged forwards.

With all the shots and charges, the cavalry was off the board and the big beast tied up.

Battle round 2

The Ogors took priority and the Butcher charged Syl'Esske, but failed to kill and died in return. The Stonehorn did a lot of killing but couldn't clear the Deamonettes.

Which meant it was over, as I just shot and charged everything at it to kill it, then continued playing to gather up as many VPs as possible.

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