
Monday, March 25, 2024

Hedonites of Slaanesh vs Slaves to Darkness

Third game: Nexus Collapse. 

Battle round 1

In a formula that should seem familiar by now, I let the opponent take first turn to advance up the board, then charged in. Syl'Esske cleared a Gorebeast chariot, but the Chaos Warriors were resistant enough with the nurgle-y combo, and the 10 Chosen just soaked up a boatload of damage. With a combination of the Threnody Voicebox, Depravity rewards and All out defense, the Daemonettes managed to stay alive. However, with the fight twice mechanic, the chariot died.

Battle round 2

This gave me enough confidence to stay and grind, and I was tabled in two turns. Once the -1 attack was off, the Chosen just cleaved through the Daemonettes. Syl'Esske couldn't stand up to the Daemon Prince, especially being stomped. And the archers just died.

At least I still had some stuff on the board turn 3, so the defeat wasn't as bad compared to the first game.

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